Unlike the words we use daily and the images we see influence us in one way or another just as movies do.

In one of my articles, The psychology of words, I explained the power of words and how they contribute to form certain behaviors in us.

But in this article, I’m going to be explaining how movies shape our minds, create new beliefs and how they contribute to define attractiveness.

The psychology of movies and our behavior
A research was tested between two groups of people for three weeks. The first group were locked in an isolated room that had just a deck, TV and unlimited sort of horror movies to entertain themselves.

While the second group were given same treatment but with all sort of religious movies. After the test, they were asked to move in to another hall and on their way, they were being intimidated by someone.

It was proven that both groups behaved differently to him. The first group tend to be arrogant while the second group were understandable and cool to him.

These were normal people but why did they switched behaviors? Why didn’t they behaved as usual? It boils down to the psychology of the movies they were watching.

How the psychology of movies affects the present
It was certain that 55% of youths develop new characters and behaviors from movies coupled with social programming from friends and close associates.

It’s no wonder why some people try to compare their relationships with that of the movies. In my book Getting over your ex in few days, I explained the downside of romantic movies right after breakup.

This is because the movies seen daily affect our present mood and sometimes in the future. During my national couching season, I met a lady who broke up with her guy, I gave her two movies to watch.

The first was romantic video and the other was her favorite series movie and to report back when done.

It was certain that when watching the romantic tape her break and pains become more tense while watching her series, she began getting over her boyfriend.

Final say on the psychology of movies

















Movies are good, in fact I like watching them. All you need to do is to be selective in what you watch. Watch something that really identifies with you.

By admin